7 Thoughts for a Better 2021


From the ashes of 2020 comes the possibilities. Disease, unrest and global chaos won’t suddenly cease on January 2, but individually we can seize the opportunity to build a better life and a world, one idea at a time. My hit list:

1. Think. 2021 will be an excellent time to challenge the average and just maybe, come up with better ideas, but it starts with...observing, evaluating...and thinking.

2. Positivity. Embrace and surround yourself with it. Whining, hating, complacency, withdrawal, etc.... All negative. All life sinkers. Along with positivity comes CONFIDENCE which is the great manifestation of positive living.

3. Serenity. Steadiness. That doesn’t mean slow, it means a level of control to examine and deal with the world in an even and in-control way, rather that letting personal or global insanity run free. Pull out your Capt. Kirk gene. Cool and focused.

4. Inspirational. Do your best to either receive or give inspiration. Everybody and everything needs it now more than ever. It can come from people, art, science as well mysterious places.

5. Creativity. Man, the world NEEDS new angles…in just about everything, as the old angles aren’t always working so well these days. And it’s a great time to execute ideas and act on the dreams.

6. Spirituality. Not necessarily religion. But seek spiritual energy. It’s there...too often we miss the ultimate big picture

7. Balance. Science and emotion; business and art; color and sound...balances whether in a person or a group creates completeness.

...welcome to the future. Take the journey.

LeadershipLee Abrams