Passion Character Muscle…and Users & Fans


Two areas that help elevate the experience to fandom,  firstly:

Passion:  It’s more than a only a business…its a mission.  One of those intangibles that audiences keenly sense.

In Creative/Marketing/Sales/Engineering.  Important to allow passion to be a component in your identity  It’s the underpinning of excellence.

Character:  Unique. Totally original.  Has a pulse…has humanity… Sheep-less…non conforming—in fact SETTING the conformation of the future as the originator of a sound, look and feel

Muscle:  Big & Bad ass  (Big alone isn’t enough.  Some companies are big but they ain’t bad ass). It’s a sense of embraceable swagger.  Accomplished by actions and the vibe you put out.

….Listeners, Viewers, advertisers…EVERYbody can sense these three things…’s this fully armed and  engaged image you project when those three elements are in tact.


MOOD AND RELIABLE ( aka Users and Fans ):  

Reality.  Some will listen or view when they’re in the mood,  others will be addicted.  You won’t get EITHER if you are vanilla.  Back in 79, we did the first dance station at WKTU- New York. Went to # 1 in 45 days.  There were other dance stations, but they weren’t PURE. WKTU was ALWAYS 126 bpm.  Old line radio types said we have to “mix it up.” Nope. By BEING this pure 24/7, the disco addicts became addicted as as they LIVE at 126bpm. Others tuned in only when they wanted a fix….and they got it  Result was heavy fan base with insane AQH and massive cume from the “mood” listeners who only listened when in the mood. And when in the mood,  the station delivered. Bottom line— it’s yet another timeless but simple audience definition that goes beyond raw demographics into a deeper zone of audience understanding 

LeadershipLee Abrams