Average Sucks



Last month we were on our weekly Conference call with Snoop Dogg's  management and decided to do a month long "celebration" supporting  Snoop's newest release.  Dion Summers who runs our Urban group came up  with the name "Dogg-Vember" a play on the incredibly tired 'Rock-Tober'.   Dogg-Vember is SO awful,  it's brilliant.

It gets back to the  idea that AWFUL is great and BRILLIANT is great,  it's that stuff in the  middle,  the 'average' stuff that gets lost to the point where Average  simply in unacceptable.  There are SO many examples of this,  including:

Radio Classics:  Those old time radio shows.  Some of them are SO dated,  they are genius by today's standards.

Special  X-Mas: One of our holiday channels and the one that always gets the  best response.  It plays the worst Holiday music ever recorded. So  bad..it's brilliant.

Guest DJ's:  The old guest DJ routine.  The  best ones were always the horrible ones.  Far more entertaining than  someone bordering on "pro"...that's too obvious.

...you get the idea.   

XM's  new ad campaign is like this.  There are those who think it's amazing  and others who think it sucks.  GREAT!  It's "average" ad campaigns that  get lost in the muck.

There are some things that are inherently  average.  Take Adult Contemporary Radio.  The challenge is how do you  make something NOT average in this environment?

One of the  reasons radio in general has lost it's edge is that it's SO average.   Even 99% of the "Chuck & Stan In The Morning" shows you hear in  every market are designed to be edgy.  Guess what--they're average.  The  best shows are the great ones...AND the truly awful ones.  Those  average ones are the LEAST entertaining.  Nothing bugs me as much as  "aveage" morning show stunts,  like a prank phone call that any talented  16 year old could make. 

This "average"  thing is important to note.  There seems to be this effort across the  land to create things that   are average.  Probably because of the fear  of doing something wrong.  But it's the extremes that cut through.   Average,  unless backed by some marketing campaign of biblical  proportions or remarkable accessibility like Fast Food or FM, will just  blend in and not make any significant impact.

When I was a  consultant I couldn't stand BORING Program Directors.  Better someone  completely off the wall than someone "average".  There's something  special about the extremes.  EXTREMELY BAD and EXTREMELY BRILLIANT.   That middle ground, aka average...sucks.

Last week was Halloween.   Strange holiday.  We had the idea of having a contest amongst  the various clusters here at XM for the most bizarre treatment of their  work areas.  It turned into a museum of the insane.  Te winner was the  Rock Cluster.  Lou Brutus orchestrated a Disney quality tribute to  deceased Rock Stars.  Decked out with strobe lights that challenged the  old Fillmore,  the area was sectioned off into exhibits of various dead  stars hosted by various XM programmers and DJ's.  It was SO sick,  it  was brilliant...and won the competition.  The thing I liked about it is  that it COULD have been a real stupid waste-of-time that most "office"  Halloween parties turn into.  This was FAR from that....NOT average.

In media formats and most marketing and execution  in general!  I think a balance of razor sharp focus AND spontaneous craziness is the combination that fights average.

In our business——You need both.