Winning Media Battles: Beyond the obvious


Here are a few components often discussed but frequently watered down and not always part of the game plan

Thoughts that go beyond the mission statement.  Intangibles that should be part of the product DNA.  

The big three are:

Passion: You just KNOW when a product is one created by passion…and one that’s created strictly and purely as for profit only exercise.  The perception of passion is a powerful tool

Character: That extra dimension. Often two products are identical,  but one kicks the others. "Character" is that intangible that usually drives the victory.

Muscle: Creating a bigger than life aura. 

Then there’s:

CULT/MAINSTREAM: The magic balance. Whacked enough to have a cult following, mainstream enough to have a massive circulation.

NUMBERS OR FANS?: Marketing people acquire the numbers for ad sales to use, programming creators turn numbers into FANS. If the “Numbers to Fans” component is missing, the product will never be more than a utility. Utilities can be enormously successful, but the “fan” element ultimately makes the utility invulnerable.

ER: BiggER, BettER, or whatever…”ER” where it counts needs to be a focus.

SOUL: Ya need SOUL to cut through in today’s soul-less environment. Soul is that intangible that might be among the strongest competitive tools…and it’s off the radar in today’s conference rooms. Soul has to be developed…by people who have it.

ECLECTIC...ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK: Properly channeled eclectic…done smartly, is golden.  Utilities are non eclectic but in media it can be powerful 

THE BODY CLOCK: Memories are as important as "now." Classic and Archive are key words in peoples lives. 16-20 remain the cultural and musical roots for most that define their M.O. as they age

SCANNABILITY: The world moves faster. Need to deliver content at the speed of Now. What was the right length in 1960 is too long today. What was too condensed in 1970 may be perfect today.   Play at the speed of 2024. 

TUNE OUT PARANOIA:  People WILL tune you out—there are too many options out there.  If you’re well defined and amazing enough,  they’ll be back. Programming to avoid tune out will make you too safe for 2024. 

INTELLECT: Can be mass appeal and mainstream. Intellect is too often confused with elite and stiff. We’re in the era where smart is currency.

MISSION VS. MISSION STATEMENT: A Mission Statement means nothing. A Mission is all about action. The difference between Talk and AFDI….between what you want to do and what you’re doing.  

LeadershipLee Abrams